NetHui 2015: We want to hear from you
NetHui isn’t a conference run by InternetNZ. It’s a collaborative, multi-stakeholder event where we all set the agenda. To that end, we want to hear your suggestions for the programme and we want you to get involved.
What we’re looking for is programme suggestions – i.e. keynote speakers, topics for panels and sessions, side event ideas – that kind of thing. We want as much community involvement as you can shake a stick at. A big, community-sized stick.
We’re also keen on hearing from people who want to be involved in NetHui – as a facilitator, as a volunteer or any other capacity you can think of. If you have suggestions for what would contribute towards a great NetHui 2015, we’d also love to hear from you.
You can email us at
Note: this blog post was edited on 29 May 2015.